Feb 17, 2010

1home.in - New version launched

Dear All,

We are very glad to inform you that we have launched the second version of www.1home.in after collecting feedback from various people and after incorporating the possible ones into our application. There is a third version that will be coming out in a month's time. But this third time will just certain cosmetic changes like colors, fonts and so on, but there wont be any major application changes.

The new version 1home.in is based on one common notion that a certain part of the website should be the same in all the pages (Read: template). In this sense, previously our web portal is not standardized. Each page thought has a standard top and bottom components, left and right components aren't standardized. So, we decided to standardize the left component in all our pages. So now our Top, Left and Bottom are standardized. It forms a C shape and the content inside that C shape is different on different pages. 

Other major change one can see is the select box. Previously we displayed links in universities, news and other related components, but now we are placing drop down box. Users can select the required link through the drop down box. 

Other major change is the Cafe Login and cafe accounts. Previously there is not much information provided in the cafe account. But now, we are giving the account details and the cafe people can update their account details, add works, check the work status and so on. This is for our initiative to tie up with cafe owners where in cafe owners promote our product for us giving them income. 

These are the three major changes in this version of 1home.in. We are now working on the look and feel of the website. Once we are done with that we will launch our 3rd version of 1home.in

Keep watching this space for more information

1home.in Team

Global Art Collection

Digital Art Works is envisioned to be a one stop shop for global art. Just imagine how difficult it is for a customer to purchase an original artwork, let alone a reprint from a painter in say France. The costs incurred in procuring the artwork is higher than the value of the artwork and this basic economic hindrance is refraining them from purchasing artworks from other country artists.

When i put across this thought to some of my art friends, they questioned back 'Are people really interested in purchasing artwork from other countries?'. It is a valid question for which digital artworks doesn't have a proper answer backed with numbers. We never know but then our intuition says people do purchase as long as it is easily available and affordable. We, the Digital Art Works team, strongly believe in the notion that humans are inherently curious lot. People always try to explore the unknown, be it the unknown about friends, be it the unknown about places, be it the unknown about events. Travel is a good example for an industry cashing on this need of Humans. Works of an artist are highly influenced by his/her location, upbringing, social environment and political environment surrounding him. So, an artist's works definitely have that local flavor in whatsoever form and we believe that this makes those artworks interesting for people from other countries.

We are now on a mission to collect the artworks from other countries. I, personally am visiting various art galleries in Europe for the next 2 weeks and collect as many artworks as possible (if possible) from the artists. We want to keep it as global art house right from the start to keep it differentiated from the other art sites.

Thats the update from our side

Raja Sekhar
Kriya Media

Feb 12, 2010

Digital Art Works Launched

After 2 months of tiresome work, we finally brought Digital Art Works into a proper shape. I am highly satisfied with the way the application turned out. Today we got the payment gateway access and integrated it to the Digital Art Works website. Now t is a fully functional website except for some data we have to enter from the back end. We will be launching it officially on March 10th with a  press conference in Hyderabad. Till then we will be testing the product and also will be fine tuning the supply chain, marketing and operations part of it.

About DAW (Digital Art Works):

For those who don't know about DAW, here is a brief write up about the product. Stating it all in one line - 'Digital Art Works is into affordable global art'. When someone mentions art, the first that comes to our minds is that it is an esoteric product which is very expensive and which is only for rich people. But should it be so? An experience i had at CEIBS when my friend gifted me a piece of art costing around 1000/- proved it otherwise. I liked the work a lot and started asking myself this question. And the end result is the metamorphisation of Haofresh into Digital Art Works and shift from selling t-shirts with designs into selling just art pieces at an affordable art. We use a concept called 'Digital Rights' and 'Digital Reproduction' to bring down the cost of artworks so that even middle class can also afford it.

The journey till date was extremely tough for the entire Kriya Media team. The art industry is a well established niche industry catering to the rich and elite. And now we are kind of challenging that and many are raising up their defences against us. There is a preconceived notion that artwork should be expensive. We found it so hard to convince the artists that they can earn more by selling at a lower cost. For an artist, lowering down the price is like losing his self esteem. AND IT IS TRUE. Many artists are ready to forego income but aren't ready to lower the prices. I at times find it absurd and irrational but that is how the industry works. It is always the question of scale or price.

But history is replete with examples like this wherein a niche product is commoditised with immense success..A classic one being Cars - Before Henry Ford started Ford Motor Company, automobiles were always for the rich and elite..But Ford changed the way industry functioned. And then computers. Before DELL started selling through his Direct to dell model, IBM was selling at a very high price. Even this space tourism, Richard Branson is trying to bring it with in the reach of common man. Having set our aspirations against these previous cases, we are embarking on this journey to commoditize art. Hope , with all the God's grace, this works out well.

Raja Sekhar
CEO, Kriya Media.

Jan 25, 2010

Republic Day wishes to all!

Today is 26th January. The day India became republic and ascertained its sovereignty. Kriya Media wishes everyone a happy Republic Day!

During the transition period from 1947 to 1950, King George VI was the head of state. Lord Mountbatten and C. Rajagopalachari served as the Governors-General of India during this period. Following the January 26, 1950 resolution, Rajendra Prasad was elected as the first president of India.
The Constitution of India was formally adopted by the Parliament, on January 26, 1950, a date thereafter celebrated annually as Republic Day in India. It is one of three annual national holidays in India, the other two being the nation's Independence Day on August 15 (since 1947) and the birthday of Mohandas K Gandhi or Mahatma Gandhi on October 2.

The President of India, who is also the Commander in Chief of the Indian Armed Forces, takes the salute. The Chief Guest of the parade is a Head of State of another nation. It traditionally ends with a colorful flypast by Air Force jets in a Tricolor formation. Similar parades are held in the capitals of all the states of India, where the Governor of the respective state takes the salute, and in the districts too where the District Magistrate or Police Commissioner takes the salute.

 The President of India, who is also the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces is accompanied by a foreign Head of State - who is the Chief Guest at the celebration. The President unfurls the National Flag and the National Anthem is played. The Parade begins with winners of gallantry awards passing the President in open jeeps. Various divisions of the Armed Forces then salute the President of India. The parade also sees the Indian Military showcasing its latest acquisitions such as tanks, missiles, radars, etc.

The military parade is followed by a colorful cultural parade. India's rich cultural heritage is paraded with tableaux from various states. Each state depicts its unique festivals, historical locations and art forms. School-children from all over the country also participate in the parade. The parade also includes displays of skillful motor-cyle riding, usually by a division from one of the Armed Forces.

The most eagerly awaited part of the parade is the fly past, put on by the Indian Air Force. The parade concludes with a Fly Past, when fighter planes of the IAF roar past the dais, symbolically saluting the President.

However, the official conclusion of Republic Day festivities is much later - on the evening of January 29, i.e. three days after Republic Day. This ceremony is called Beating the Retreat.


Jan 19, 2010

Kriya Media's Pongal Greetings

Kriya Media Solutions extends heartfelt wishes to its visitors! May everyone be blessed with robust health and wealth of joy!  

Pongal is a three day-long harvest festival celebrated in Andhra Pradesh, largest and surplus state in South India. It is celebrated with much pomp and gaiety in Tamilnadu too. The "Pongal "(traditional name in Tamilnadu) usually starts with the onset of picking up fruitful crops. For as long as there is gathering of food and planting, there is some form of harvest festival. Known as "Sankranti" amongst Telugu people and "Pongal" amongst Tamil ranks , it is by and large the biggest festival of the year. The word "Pongal" is considered one sort of thanks giving to the nature and holds another term "to boil". This festival of "harvest" is annually held during mid-January. People, after having amassed wealth from a good harvest, purchase a range of goods and clothes and decorate their homes with colorful articles.

In Andhra, the essence of the festival could actually be seen at the Sandadi where the chiming bells of the tastefully decorated ‘gangireddulu’ and the Gangireddulavallu in their traditional attire, the melodious music from the naadaswaram, pathways decorated with rangoli, would add color to the bash. The Gangireddullavallu and Harmfulness would enthrall the visitors during all the three days- Bhogi, Sankranti and Kanuma.

The harvest festival usually falls on 14th or 15th of January and is distinctively the "Telugu festival". The first day is celebrated as Bhogi festival in the honor of Lord Indra, the supreme ruler of clouds who blesses people with rains. A ritual called, "Bhogi Mantalu" is observed on this day, usually on 13th, when useless stuff and others are thrown into a fire made of wood and cow-dung cakes. The significance of the bonfire is not clearly known but one has to arrive at least at one point. It is meant to expel bad nature in human life style and dismantle impurities. Needless to say that firewood is to keep warm during the last lap of winter.

On the second day of Pongal, the puja or act of ceremonial worship is performed when rice is boiled in milk outdoors in an earthenware pot and is then symbolically offered to the sun-god along with other oblations. All people wear traditional dress and markings. People pay homage to the passed away elders of the family and offer milk porridge and other food items. In the evenings, children and women wear newly bought dresses and celebrate till late night.  

The third day is known as Kanuma Pongal day. In Tamilnadu women perform this ritual before bathing in the morning. All the women, young and old, of the house assemble in the courtyard. The rice is placed in the centre of the leaf, while the women ask that the house and family of their brothers should prosper.

Kriya Media is happy to share some of those moments with the readers.

1home.in: Homepage for India

The advancement of telecommunications and information technology is setting the pace of growth and enforcing people to alter the course of viewability these days. 1home.in, under the aegis of Kriya Media Solutions, is making every effort to create a unique window for authentic information available till date. It is a direct consequence of acknowledgment of the needs of the people from all walks of life.

1home.in did a bit of research on content providers and users and identified certain defects. Content providers aimed at mainly adding the content without checking the needs of users. As a result of this, users needed to search again and again to arrive at the topic of their choice and the purpose of their visits to net cafes became an arduous process. There was a need to maintain content in tune with users’ demands. And people at Kriya Media started exploring various ways in providing content and 1home.in emerged to fix the issues.

1home.in is basically a search engine from where netizens get the information of their choice. A sufficient list of links of books is provided for book lovers. Regional Language Editors are provided to contribute the needs of non-English speaking people. Latest Events near your place, latest news, and weekend news are updated on a regular basis. Web links of all the 28 states/territories are given to facilitate state specific audience.

Amateur net users generally invest much time in searching for the information such as, travel planners, ticket booking, accommodation, matrimonial, banking information, online computer game providers, exam results, online transaction, health sites, job sites, to illustrate a few. 1home.in includes every possible search result and reliable links to speed up search in those fields. Even the links of universities are placed to assist student community. If the user is still unable to find requisite information even after going through the refined links, he still has the opportunity to browse Google, Yahoo!, MSN and other search engines. In this manner, 1home.in offers flexible solutions to tailor aspirations of every young internet user.

People working for 1home.in are well educated and are experts in delivering quality content to readers!

Jan 11, 2010

Kriya Media new look

Welcome all!
We, Kriya Media Solutions, are glad to inform you of the launch of our newly designed corporate website. Kriya Media Solutions is started with an objective of presenting the content in a new format, the digital format. Internet is considered the effective medium of presenting content and we want to exploit that medium.
Kriya Media is into content creation and management. Our Content and Design teams are never short of ideas. We have made significant changes to the look and feel of the site to reflect the progress that company has achieved in the recent months.
We guarantee a seamless movement from one page to other page to our visitors. Our designers have given it a perfect blend of orange, blue and white. Also our HR team has included separate sections that deal with core functional areas of the company. Online marketing, web applications, content portals appear in Services section. Testimonials, Associate Companies, Clients and Team members sections fall into the 'About Us' wing. Media Centre and Latest News are attractive. Products section mentions our key content portal, 1home.in and our arts site, Digital Artworks.
‘Why Kriya’ section is a new addition which gives insight into the processes adopted by the company for manufacturing its products. It envisages the company’s technology competence, Processing, and Recruitment Methodology in brief.
Our Clients Section hosts good names like Pavonis Soft, Mera Events, Dzire, and NuTech. We happily announce that our Blog section portrays all round advances the company has made very recently. All in all our page is striking and it is because of our PHP designers and Web Designers.
Last but never the least; flash content has everything to pat for. Pictures of every appealing sense appear at the start of our webpage. Just browse and merge with it to get the feel! Very appealing pictures appear at the start of our webpage. Just refresh to get a new picture every time. Browse the pictures to delight your mind and heart.
Happy browsing!

Jan 8, 2010

Welcome to Kriya Media blog

Dear Readers,

Thank you for visiting our website. Kriya Media is a company based out of Hyderabad, India. It is started with a vision to establish a global digital media company based out of India. At Kriya, we strongly believe that the way content is created, published, marketed, assimilated is undergoing a drastic change. The advances in internet technology and the pervasiveness of internet is disrupting traditional publishing business. It is clearly evident in advanced countries like USA where many publishing houses closed down their print publications and are putting entire focus on the web editions. We are betting on this happening in other parts in very future.

Currently we have two portals - 1home (www.1home.in) and Digital Art Works (www.digitalartworks.in). One targeted at early internet users in India and the other at artists. With the expertise we gained in developing and marketing these web products, we are providing services to clients who are looking for the same. Our services broadly include website development, online marketing, web applications, content syndication.

We will be updating this blog on a regular basis with the latest happenings at Kriya Media and also latest happenings in the industry. Hope you all enjoy reading our blog. If you would like to contact us, send us an e-mail at contactus@kriyamedia.com or leave a comment here or go to contact us/request for quote page in Kriya Media website and put the message...

Have a nice day

with warm regards
Kriya Media Team