Feb 17, 2010

Global Art Collection

Digital Art Works is envisioned to be a one stop shop for global art. Just imagine how difficult it is for a customer to purchase an original artwork, let alone a reprint from a painter in say France. The costs incurred in procuring the artwork is higher than the value of the artwork and this basic economic hindrance is refraining them from purchasing artworks from other country artists.

When i put across this thought to some of my art friends, they questioned back 'Are people really interested in purchasing artwork from other countries?'. It is a valid question for which digital artworks doesn't have a proper answer backed with numbers. We never know but then our intuition says people do purchase as long as it is easily available and affordable. We, the Digital Art Works team, strongly believe in the notion that humans are inherently curious lot. People always try to explore the unknown, be it the unknown about friends, be it the unknown about places, be it the unknown about events. Travel is a good example for an industry cashing on this need of Humans. Works of an artist are highly influenced by his/her location, upbringing, social environment and political environment surrounding him. So, an artist's works definitely have that local flavor in whatsoever form and we believe that this makes those artworks interesting for people from other countries.

We are now on a mission to collect the artworks from other countries. I, personally am visiting various art galleries in Europe for the next 2 weeks and collect as many artworks as possible (if possible) from the artists. We want to keep it as global art house right from the start to keep it differentiated from the other art sites.

Thats the update from our side

Raja Sekhar
Kriya Media

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