Feb 17, 2010

1home.in - New version launched

Dear All,

We are very glad to inform you that we have launched the second version of www.1home.in after collecting feedback from various people and after incorporating the possible ones into our application. There is a third version that will be coming out in a month's time. But this third time will just certain cosmetic changes like colors, fonts and so on, but there wont be any major application changes.

The new version 1home.in is based on one common notion that a certain part of the website should be the same in all the pages (Read: template). In this sense, previously our web portal is not standardized. Each page thought has a standard top and bottom components, left and right components aren't standardized. So, we decided to standardize the left component in all our pages. So now our Top, Left and Bottom are standardized. It forms a C shape and the content inside that C shape is different on different pages. 

Other major change one can see is the select box. Previously we displayed links in universities, news and other related components, but now we are placing drop down box. Users can select the required link through the drop down box. 

Other major change is the Cafe Login and cafe accounts. Previously there is not much information provided in the cafe account. But now, we are giving the account details and the cafe people can update their account details, add works, check the work status and so on. This is for our initiative to tie up with cafe owners where in cafe owners promote our product for us giving them income. 

These are the three major changes in this version of 1home.in. We are now working on the look and feel of the website. Once we are done with that we will launch our 3rd version of 1home.in

Keep watching this space for more information

1home.in Team

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