Jan 8, 2010

Welcome to Kriya Media blog

Dear Readers,

Thank you for visiting our website. Kriya Media is a company based out of Hyderabad, India. It is started with a vision to establish a global digital media company based out of India. At Kriya, we strongly believe that the way content is created, published, marketed, assimilated is undergoing a drastic change. The advances in internet technology and the pervasiveness of internet is disrupting traditional publishing business. It is clearly evident in advanced countries like USA where many publishing houses closed down their print publications and are putting entire focus on the web editions. We are betting on this happening in other parts in very future.

Currently we have two portals - 1home (www.1home.in) and Digital Art Works (www.digitalartworks.in). One targeted at early internet users in India and the other at artists. With the expertise we gained in developing and marketing these web products, we are providing services to clients who are looking for the same. Our services broadly include website development, online marketing, web applications, content syndication.

We will be updating this blog on a regular basis with the latest happenings at Kriya Media and also latest happenings in the industry. Hope you all enjoy reading our blog. If you would like to contact us, send us an e-mail at contactus@kriyamedia.com or leave a comment here or go to contact us/request for quote page in Kriya Media website and put the message...

Have a nice day

with warm regards
Kriya Media Team

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