Feb 17, 2010

1home.in - New version launched

Dear All,

We are very glad to inform you that we have launched the second version of www.1home.in after collecting feedback from various people and after incorporating the possible ones into our application. There is a third version that will be coming out in a month's time. But this third time will just certain cosmetic changes like colors, fonts and so on, but there wont be any major application changes.

The new version 1home.in is based on one common notion that a certain part of the website should be the same in all the pages (Read: template). In this sense, previously our web portal is not standardized. Each page thought has a standard top and bottom components, left and right components aren't standardized. So, we decided to standardize the left component in all our pages. So now our Top, Left and Bottom are standardized. It forms a C shape and the content inside that C shape is different on different pages. 

Other major change one can see is the select box. Previously we displayed links in universities, news and other related components, but now we are placing drop down box. Users can select the required link through the drop down box. 

Other major change is the Cafe Login and cafe accounts. Previously there is not much information provided in the cafe account. But now, we are giving the account details and the cafe people can update their account details, add works, check the work status and so on. This is for our initiative to tie up with cafe owners where in cafe owners promote our product for us giving them income. 

These are the three major changes in this version of 1home.in. We are now working on the look and feel of the website. Once we are done with that we will launch our 3rd version of 1home.in

Keep watching this space for more information

1home.in Team

Global Art Collection

Digital Art Works is envisioned to be a one stop shop for global art. Just imagine how difficult it is for a customer to purchase an original artwork, let alone a reprint from a painter in say France. The costs incurred in procuring the artwork is higher than the value of the artwork and this basic economic hindrance is refraining them from purchasing artworks from other country artists.

When i put across this thought to some of my art friends, they questioned back 'Are people really interested in purchasing artwork from other countries?'. It is a valid question for which digital artworks doesn't have a proper answer backed with numbers. We never know but then our intuition says people do purchase as long as it is easily available and affordable. We, the Digital Art Works team, strongly believe in the notion that humans are inherently curious lot. People always try to explore the unknown, be it the unknown about friends, be it the unknown about places, be it the unknown about events. Travel is a good example for an industry cashing on this need of Humans. Works of an artist are highly influenced by his/her location, upbringing, social environment and political environment surrounding him. So, an artist's works definitely have that local flavor in whatsoever form and we believe that this makes those artworks interesting for people from other countries.

We are now on a mission to collect the artworks from other countries. I, personally am visiting various art galleries in Europe for the next 2 weeks and collect as many artworks as possible (if possible) from the artists. We want to keep it as global art house right from the start to keep it differentiated from the other art sites.

Thats the update from our side

Raja Sekhar
Kriya Media

Feb 12, 2010

Digital Art Works Launched

After 2 months of tiresome work, we finally brought Digital Art Works into a proper shape. I am highly satisfied with the way the application turned out. Today we got the payment gateway access and integrated it to the Digital Art Works website. Now t is a fully functional website except for some data we have to enter from the back end. We will be launching it officially on March 10th with a  press conference in Hyderabad. Till then we will be testing the product and also will be fine tuning the supply chain, marketing and operations part of it.

About DAW (Digital Art Works):

For those who don't know about DAW, here is a brief write up about the product. Stating it all in one line - 'Digital Art Works is into affordable global art'. When someone mentions art, the first that comes to our minds is that it is an esoteric product which is very expensive and which is only for rich people. But should it be so? An experience i had at CEIBS when my friend gifted me a piece of art costing around 1000/- proved it otherwise. I liked the work a lot and started asking myself this question. And the end result is the metamorphisation of Haofresh into Digital Art Works and shift from selling t-shirts with designs into selling just art pieces at an affordable art. We use a concept called 'Digital Rights' and 'Digital Reproduction' to bring down the cost of artworks so that even middle class can also afford it.

The journey till date was extremely tough for the entire Kriya Media team. The art industry is a well established niche industry catering to the rich and elite. And now we are kind of challenging that and many are raising up their defences against us. There is a preconceived notion that artwork should be expensive. We found it so hard to convince the artists that they can earn more by selling at a lower cost. For an artist, lowering down the price is like losing his self esteem. AND IT IS TRUE. Many artists are ready to forego income but aren't ready to lower the prices. I at times find it absurd and irrational but that is how the industry works. It is always the question of scale or price.

But history is replete with examples like this wherein a niche product is commoditised with immense success..A classic one being Cars - Before Henry Ford started Ford Motor Company, automobiles were always for the rich and elite..But Ford changed the way industry functioned. And then computers. Before DELL started selling through his Direct to dell model, IBM was selling at a very high price. Even this space tourism, Richard Branson is trying to bring it with in the reach of common man. Having set our aspirations against these previous cases, we are embarking on this journey to commoditize art. Hope , with all the God's grace, this works out well.

Raja Sekhar
CEO, Kriya Media.